The following are the instructions for the preparation of the manuscript :

A template is provided with instructions to assist the author in the preparation of the manuscript which can be downloaded from here. (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) However, use of template is not mandatory. The author is requested to follow the following during the preparation of the manuscript.

The Medium of Language: English

Text Column: Single column
Indent: Left:0″, Right:0″
Line Spacing: Before: 0 points, after:0 points
Page Margins: Left:1″, Right:1″, Top:1″, Bottom:1″ 
Page Numbers: Insert the page numbers in the manuscript in the bottom right area of a page.

Font Name: Times New Roman (Body)
Page Size: A4 Size
Text Alignment: Center, Font Size of title: 14 pt

Text Font Size from abstract to references: 12
Width and spacing of text from the introduction to references:
Width:3.55″ Spacing: 0.45″ or 1.15
Author Details: Font Size: 10 points
Header and Footer: Font Size: 10 points, Footer from Bottom: 0.5″, Header from top: 0.5″
References style: Harvard with bibliography in alphabetical order.
Citation Pattern: The in-text Harvard referencing (i.e. (Smith, 2014)) uses an author–date system. Citations should appear in the Harvard referencing style (i.e. Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Article title’, Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pp. page range; 
Book– Author surname, initial. (Year) Book title. City: Publisher; 
Book Chapter– Author surname, initial. (Year) ‘Chapter title’, in Editor name (ed(s).) Book title. City: Publisher, page range; 
Website– Author surname, initial. (Year) Page title. Available at: URL (Accessed: Day Month Year).)
Line Spacing: 1.15
Text Font Size: 12 points, Width: 3.7, Spacing:0.1″

Figures and Tables:
Figure Caption: Font Size10 points, Position: Justify, Font name: Times
Table Caption: Font Size: 10 points, Position: Justify, Font name: Times
General: Alignment: Justified, Outline Level: Body Text
Left: 0″, Right: 0″, Special: First Line by 0.5″

Before:0 Pt, After:0 Pt, Line spacing: Multiple at 1.15 
Author Details with Affiliations:
Name of 1st author,*a 2 Name 2nd author, b 3 Name of 3rd author, c

a Name of Department of  1st author, Name of organization of 1st author, City, State, Country
b Name of Department of  2nd author, Name of organization of 2nd author, City, State, Country
c Name of Department of  3rd author, Name of organization of 3rd author, City, State, Country
The abstract should not be more than 250 words.

Mention 5-7 keywords after the abstract with font size 10.

The order in the main body is as follows:


Introduce your research theme with recent citations.

Material and Method:
In this section, authors are recommended to report the details of procedure of an experiment performed by them during their research work.

Result and Discussion: 
The Result and Discussion should be provided separately. In the result section, the result of the experiments would be reported. Moreover, in the discussion, the comparison of work needs to be done with proper references highlighting the significance of the work.

Competing Interest: Authors should declare that no competing interest exists among them.

In this section, mention the people, and organizations that helped to complete the research work.

Authors’ Contributions:
Report the contributions of the authors. 

e.g RD: Collected specimens. DD: Performed experiments. CD: Wrote manuscript.

Ethical Statement: 
The author should declare that the submitted work doesn’t violate ethical policies.

Tables and Figures:
Use suitable figures as well as tables to support your data. The figure should appear near the place of description. Use optimum headings for the same.

Validity of statement:
Authors are recommended to perform statistical tests as per the requirements of their data to ensure the validity of statements. However, we prefer authors to examine their research outputs using the following tests depending on data need:

  • Replicates, independence of replicate measurements, finding significant p-value, Procedures for e.g., inter-observer reliability, triangulation, and/or audit trails.
  • Use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPPS) Statistics version 13.0, to plot interaction effects.
  • Data are reported as number and percentage, mean ± standard deviation, or median and interquartile range [IQR] (bar chart).
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Placket Burman design and calculations involved in it, Priori power-calculations for desired sample sizes.
  • Regression coefficient, error bars in graphs for figures, Pearson’s method for determining the correlation coefficient. Multiple correlation test.
  • Student T-test, Deciding one-tailed or two-tailed treatment, a least significant difference.

Submission process:

Checklist for article submission :

  1. Manuscript in word form. Template can be downloaded from here. (CLICK TO DOWNLOAD)
  2. Cover letter containing 
    – Highlights of the research work
    Plagiarism report 
  3. Abstract and 5-6 keywords.

Keep all the files in a single folder for easy access.

Procedure for submission:

  1. Go to website 🡪 click on “Submit Manuscript” tab or (CLICK HERE)
  2. Enter name, contact number and email of the corresponding author.
  3. Enter, title of the manuscript, Abstract, and 5-7 keywords in the space provided
  4. Click on select and browse to the folder containing manuscript, cover letter and image of APC and select multiple files and upload.
  5. Click on the submit button.

Please note the following:

  1. After manuscript submission, the further correspondence will be managed by Editors through email.
  2. After reviewing the paper, the author would be intimated through mail about the acceptance or rejection.
  3. The authors whose papers are accepted need to accommodate the corrections or suggestions given by the reviewer and pay the Article Processing Charges (APC) of Rs. 500 /- for further processing of the paper.