Plagiarism Prevention Policy:

SIES Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences follows a strict policy for plagiarism prevention and is committed to shield the reliability of the available scientific records and to assist the worldwide research community through all aspects of the publication ethics. Considering the strict zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism, Journal primarily checks for plagiarism or similarity index using plagiarism detection software and then manuscript will be processed further. Plagiarism or duplicate submission to the Journal and violation of the research publication ethics if found later, leads to strict action of retraction immediately.

At the time of submission of manuscript –

(i) The author(s) must submit the plagiarism check certificate along with the cover letter.

(ii) The author(s) must confirm by stating in the cover letter that,

  • All authors have agreed and approved the contents of the article before submission to the journal.
  • Authors have followed all publication ethics.
  • The manuscript submitted to the journal is screened through the plagiarism identification software.
  • Authors must confirm that the work mentioned in the present manuscript is an original unpublished work and has not been under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Declaration of interest:

All authors must disclose any kind of potential conflict of interests such as stock ownership, corporate associations, employment, consultancies, royalties, patent filing, finance, grants, or any other funding. Authors must mention the following statement in cover letter and in manuscript just before reference section: 

Declaration of conflict of interest: All authors confirm and declare that there is no relevant financial or non-financial conflict of interests to declare.

Ethical Policy

Ethical responsibilities of authors:

SIES Journal of Applied Science follows a strict publication ethics. The authors must stick to the publication ethics. Any kind of ethical misconduct or violation of publication ethics will be considered and treated seriously. Authors must follow the ethical guidelines and policy mentioned at the Institute webpage.

Ethical responsibilities of Peer-reviewers:

Selection of the potential Peer reviewer is crucial for the publication process. This journal conducts a double anonymized blind review process (Review not less than two). The peer review process is confidential, that depends on the trust and willing involvement of relevant scientific community experts. After submission, the manuscript will go through a precise detailed review process by peers in the relative area of research.

Peer reviewers shall ensure that journals publish novel scientific work that can benefit the worldwide scientific community. To ensure the smooth and transparent peer reviewing process, the journal follows the Ethical responsibilities of Peer-reviewers as mentioned at the Institute webpage.

Ethics of Experimentation with Animals and Human:

If the research engages the use of humans in experiments, then work must be performed by The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association.

At the time of submission of manuscript, the author(s) must declare that: Written consent was received for experimental work with human subjects and Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association is strictly followed.

If the research engages the use of animals in experiments, then work must be performed by The ARRIVE guidelines. At the time of submission of manuscript, the author(s) must declare that: Experimental work with animal subjects is strictly followed by the international, national and institutional guidelines approved by a research ethics committee and ARRIVE guidelines.

Open Access Policy:

The open access of articles is following the global open access policy of publications.

Article Retraction and Withdrawal Policy

Article Retractions:

Scientific misconduct, violation of publication ethics, non-following of ethics in publication, multiple submission/publication of same article to different journal, fake right of authorship, significant plagiarism or deceptive usage of data that is not detected at the time of initial submission will be considered for the act of retraction. In such a case, a retraction notice along with the reason will be published and marked with the original research article as “Retracted”. 

Withdrawal of the Article:

The article that is submitted to the journal can be withdrawn by the author(s) or the publisher only for the most convincing and inevitable cause. In such conditions, an article withdrawal reasoning letter signed by all the authors must be submitted to the editorial office. 

Role of Editors:

All contributions initially evaluated by the editor for suitability of the possible publication within the scope of the journal. Suitable and potential standard papers are then sent for reviewing to evaluate and to judge the scientific quality, impact, and advancement of manuscript. The Editor’s decision will be final. 

Editors will not be involved in peer reviewing process and decisions for those papers wherein they are authors or written by family members or colleagues or consultancy stake holders or products or services in which the editor may have direct or indirect interest. Any such kind of submissions will be independently handled by different editors from the relevant area.